International® Service Essentials is a program to foster relationships between technical schools and the dealer network by offering schools access to web-based training, diagnostic software, parts and service information.
Don't wait any longer to partner with a technical school and drive well-trained techs to your dealership. Discover more benefits and enroll now.

Web-based Learning
Online training with more than 180 interactive courses to educate students, technicians, operators, and fleet managers how to properly service their vehicles, use International Special Tools, and navigate International systems. This Learning Management System (LMS) includes a student-centric portal of web-based training, student progress tracking, and printable material for later reference as needed.
Service Information
A centralized, VIN-based online source provides detailed service information for fleet managers and technicians to facilitate faster, more accurate diagnosis, repair, and maintenance. Real-time access to up-to-date, VIN-based information, health reports, service manuals, bulletins, electrical circuit diagrams, and more.
Parts Information
This web-based system provides instant access to complete, VIN-based parts lists for International truck and IC Bus® vehicles. Includes illustrated parts breakdown diagrams for easier parts identification. Complete line set ticket information as the vehicle was originally manufactured is provided. Keyword and visual search and cross-reference search for vendor and OE parts included.
Diagnostic Software
Access to top-notch diagnostic software that will allow students to diagnose International engines, chassis, electronic control module, and collect vehicle information, diagnostic troubleshooting codes (DTCs) from the vehicle communication network. The following software is included:
Engine Diagnostics Software
Engine diagnostic and parameter programming service tool for all J1939 International electronic engine systems. Technicians can monitor the control systems, retrieve diagnostic trouble codes (DTC), change parameters, view and graph engine data, and run specialized service bay testing on all engine and after-treatment systems.
Diamond Logic® Builder (DLB) Software
High-performance diagnostics, feature code and advanced logic programming for the electrical systems on International truck and IC Bus vehicles. View electrical connector pin-outs, bidirectional control of electrical components, and detailed diagnostic information for specific vehicle trouble codes.
NOTE: Feature code programming only available for Level 2 user access. Advanced Logic programming only available for Level 3 user access. To gain higher access levels training is required.
NavKal™ Programming
Electronic Control Module (ECM), Aftertreatment Control Module (ACM) and Doser Control Unit (DCU) programming software for all International® engines.
HeRo™ Health Report Software
Collects vehicle information, diagnostic troubleshooting codes (DTCs) and other vital data points from the vehicle communication network and compiles them into a vehicle health report, which is displayed within the application. HeRo also posts these health reports to our advanced remote diagnostics system and the International Service PortalSM, which add additional information such as open campaigns on the vehicle and fault code action plans.
Rev up your diesel curriculum with the International Essentials Program by providing your students the training, tools and technology that deliver the best vehicle uptime in the industry.
Partnering with International dealerships can help you:
- Strengthen your diesel program.
- Allow your students to earn OEM certifications.
- Increase enrollment of students by offering a well-rounded curriculum.
- Create new bonds with employers leading to meaningful student job placements.
- Increase perception in the community by partnering with local employers, showcasing your commitment to workforce preparedness.
- Generate quality talent by training your students with current technology and tools performing real-life tasks giving tremendous advantage in a competitive market.
School part number: NSEP-School

Jeremy Garretson
Division Head, AG Diesel Program
Enroll your local technical schools in this program to equip them with International Service Essentials and drive well-trained techs to your dealership. There is no cost to you or the school. (Dealers are prohibited from charging Technical Schools).
Partnering with technical schools can help you:
- Engage with your partner school by offering what they need to build a robust diesel curriculum to train your future technicians.
- Build a strong relationship with your technical school by assisting them with program administration and supporting them with questions about Diagnostic Software, Technology platforms and the Learning Management System.
- Collaborate with your technical school and International to ensure training, technology and tools are optimized for the students and instructors.
- Partner with your local schools by participating in the School Advisory Board, understand their needs and be present for them. This will help you create a pipeline of entry-level technicians.
- Look for continuous improvement by maintaining open communication with instructors.
- Introduce Dealership opportunities to students by offering tours of your facility.
Dealer part number: NSEP-Dealer

“Working with three local schools, combined with donated equipment from International, has allowed us to transform these programs into direct training. Through these programs we have seen a significant increase in technician familiarity and interest in the International products with a pipeline of applicants interested in positions with our Dealership Group.”
Bill Smiewec
Service Manager, West Michigan International